Logs are a critical part of any system, they give you insight into what a system is doing as well what happened. Virtually every process running on a system generates logs in some form or another. When your system grows to multiple hosts, managing the logs and accessing them can get complicated. Searching for a particular error across hundreds of log files on hundreds of servers is difficult without good tools. A common approach to this problem is to setup a centralized logging solution so that multiple logs can be aggregated in a central location.
In this context my company has setedup a infra-structure to centralize all application logs with the tecnologies I said in my first post.
Back to the question:
I know that SAP BODS(now Data Services, right?) provide a tool for log consulting dentro do Data Services Management Console, but the company has determined that all process, including our ETL extractions (yes I agree that they aren't OLTP application, but I have to obey), need to disponibilize execution logs on this centralized infra-structure.
I want to know how to plug the ETL Job logs of SAP BODS on my company's centralized log solution.
Sorry for the gap of information, now it's better to understand?
I'll apreciate any adivice.